Sweet Potato Powder

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Sweet Potato Powder

Sweet potato powder makes an excellent natural colorant and flavor enhancer in soups, stews, sauces and baked goods, providing an alternative for those sensitive to artificial colors or sulfites.

Make your own ube/purple sweet potato powder at home by dehydrating raw yams and grinding them into a powder form before storing in an airtight container.

High in Carbohydrates

Sweet potato powder contains complex carbohydrates and fiber that can help you feel satisfied while eating less. In addition, these carbohydrates provide energy without sudden spikes in blood sugar. Furthermore, fibers help regulate cholesterol levels while slowing carb absorption into your system.

Purple sweet potatoes contain high concentrations of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that may provide protection from cancer and other illnesses. Research suggests these phytochemicals could have anticancer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, and cardiovascular benefits.

Regular consumption of these compounds has also been associated with numerous positive health outcomes for humans, such as longer life span and greater mental capacity. One such diet that emphasizes purple sweet potatoes - known as Okinawa diet in Japan - has long been recognized for the longevity and robust health of its residents.

Sweet potatoes contain anthocyanins that are digested more slowly by the digestive system than other starches, making them an ideal food choice for people with sensitive stomachs. Unfortunately, sweet potatoes also contain significant quantities of oxalates which may bind calcium and cause kidney stones in some individuals.

High in Fiber

Sweet potato powder is an easy and healthy source of carbs and fiber, providing energy for everyday activities and fighting inflammation with antioxidants that fight free radicals that damage cells and lead to disease.

Purple sweet potato powder contains anthocyanins, which are potent natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Studies have revealed that anthocyanins may support healthy digestion while providing protection from oxidative stress.

Sweet potatoes contain dietary fiber that is proven to aid in improving intestinal flora. One study showed that increasing intake of this kind of fiber increased levels of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus while decreasing those of Enterobacter.

Sweet potato powder is an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient for muscle movement and memory, as well as vitamin C which boosts immunity and iron absorption. In addition, vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant protecting against free radical damage while the addition of choline helps prevent nerve diseases and lower cholesterol.

High in Vitamin A

Sweet potato powder offers complex carbs with sustained release of energy for athletes or anyone needing long-lasting energy sources. In addition, sweet potato powder boasts high amounts of dietary fiber, vitamin A and C as well as manganese copper vitamin B6 potassium to make an ideal energy supplement choice.

One 1/4 cup serving of purple sweet potato powder provides 240% of the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) of vitamin A. This crucial nutrient helps support vision health and immune function among other benefits.

Our orange-fleshed sweet potato powder is rich in beta carotene, which our bodies convert to vitamin A. Consuming enough of this plant pigment may prevent dry eyes and enhance night vision.

This powder is also rich in choline, an essential nutrient for muscle movement and memory as well as nervous system support. Choline has been shown in rodent studies to protect against cognitive decline while supplementation of older adults increased brain function significantly in 2010.

High in Vitamin C

Sweet potatoes are rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant which protects cells from damage while supporting immune function and absorption of iron for healthier skin. Vitamin C also plays an essential role during gestation or breastfeeding for both mother and baby alike.

Orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) is an important staple food in many countries across the world, particularly Africa and Asia. It provides essential macronutrients like starch, dietary fiber and protein while its micronutrient profile includes minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and antioxidants - providing essential macro- and micro-nutrients alike for overall wellness.

Table 1 displays the approximate composition of OFSP. Research has revealed that SPLP quality can differ depending on its preparation and blanching methods, leading to significant variations in nutritional and functional properties and antioxidant activity of SPLP products. In this study, blanching methods and particle size were investigated with an aim of creating an OFSP-containing functional beverage beverage product. Results demonstrated that steamed SPLP samples had higher nutritional values than baked ones with regard to bioaccessibility of beta carotene being much greater amongst them whereas bioaccessibility among baked samples was lower while that among steamed ones much greater as far as bioaccessibility was concerned (b-carotene bioaccessibility in baked samples was lower while that among steamed ones was much greater.)

High in Minerals

Sweet potato powder is packed with minerals essential for proper digestion, such as magnesium and potassium. Additionally, this food source offers vitamins and dietary fiber which may aid weight loss while supporting normal blood sugar levels. In addition, sweet potato powder is naturally high in antioxidants which combat free radicals which damage DNA leading to chronic illnesses and premature ageing.

To measure the gelatinization properties of sweet potato flour, 2.0 grams were dissolved in 6 milliliters of deionized water and sealed in an aluminum sample tube for testing with an TA-XT2i texture analyzer from Stable Micro Systems of Surrey in United Kingdom.

Results revealed that gelatinization and swelling characteristics of different sweet potato flours varied considerably according to genotype, with SP05 showing superior swelling and gelatinization properties compared to other cultivars; furthermore it had the highest content of amino acids with exception of cysteine (Cys) and methionine (Met). Such features could contribute to improved nutritional benefits from sweet potato powder applications (13)


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