How to Impregnate Wife With These 4 Amazing Positions

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How to Impregnate Wife With These 4 Positions

Trying to become pregnant quickly and effortlessly? That is exactly the goal! While there's no definitive evidence to back it up, research suggests certain s*xual positions such as missionary or doggy style allow your pen-is to reach recesses at both sides of the cer-vix for deeper penetration of pen-is into cer-vix recesses more efficiently and swiftly.

Missionary Position

The missionary, or man-on-top s*x position is one of the more traditional and well-known s*x positions. While traditionally associated with straight couplings, mixed couplings also work just as effectively. Lube can make this position particularly enjoyable as partners are face to face allowing sweet moments such as holding hands or stroking hair to help build momentum and keep thrusts consistent.

Deep penetration is key to missionary success, and missionaries provide the ideal position for this. If the bottom partner rests their hips on something like a pillow or another surface to elevate them slightly further, this makes it easier for s-perm to reach the female cer-vix!

This basic s*x position is great for beginners, but you can take your missionary experience further by adding in some bondage techniques. Try crossing your bottom partner's legs to add friction and tension; may increase sensation of penetration and heighten org-asms while tongue stimulators add another element altogether! Always keep safety top of mind and be sure to communicate openly about anything uncomfortable or painful with your partner so both parties involved can communicate openly regarding any discomfort or pain associated with any position or technique used; make sure both parties involved communicate openly regarding any uncomfortable position taken or technique used during missionary experience!

Doggy Style

Doggy style s*x positions involve one partner penetrating from behind while kneeling on all fours while being penetrated from behind with pen-is inserted into va-gina. This can be one of the more intense s*xual positions for women and an effective way to increase excitement between partners, leading up to climax.

As this position can be quite demanding for some individuals, it's wise to work up to it gradually. Furthermore, using lube regularly and changing positions regularly to prevent overheating are both good ideas - having a massager available can further make the experience enjoyable!

As well, doggy-style s*x can put undue strain and pressure on the a-nus, leading to discomfort or irritation. A butt plug or holding on something for support could prevent this from occurring.

Doggy style s*x can be an exciting new option for couples looking for something fresh. This style allows for deep penetration and can even provide the ideal position for climax. Many couples will find doggy-style s*x satisfying.

S*x on the Side

Side by side s*x is an ideal position for couples or solo lovers looking for an easy yet seductive s*x session. Simply lift both legs until they reach waist height before lowering hips to meet his pen-is and keep him deep within her. At the peak of side by side s*x, eja-culate at climax in order to increase chances of healthy s-perm meeting an o-vum released during ovulation - something many don't do naturally during s*xual contact!

S*x on the Back

Spooning with a twist, this s*x position from behind allows your partner to reach down between your legs to stimulate both your breasts and clit-oris while leaving his hands free to rub your neck or whisper into your ear. Furthermore, unlike some back positions that may bruise the clit, this one provides ample support for penetrative partners so they can use slower and deeper thrusts.

There's no evidence to support that having s*x from certain positions increases your odds of pregnancy, but engaging in intimate encounters from your back may allow s-perm to quickly deposit near an egg more rapidly. This method may especially benefit women with retroverted uteruses whose retrovertedness makes it hard for s-perm to reach the cer-vix.

Although not necessarily recommended for pregnant women, the wheelbarrow pose can be an adventurous s*x position to try before becoming pregnant. Similar to cowgirl, this position features one partner straddling the other on her back with their feet raised up on a chair or bed; elevating their lower part and creating better angles for deep penetration. Furthermore, this pose offers less arching of spine due to elevating feet on chairs/beds allowing a deeper penetration experience and safer options for those experiencing back pain.


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