How to Cook Parboiled Rice

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How to Cook Parboiled Rice

Cooking perfect rice requires finding the appropriate ratio between water and grain. To help achieve this goal, begin by thoroughly rinsing your grain before beginning.

Parboiled rice offers the perfect compromise between various grains. As it retains more of its original vitamins and nutrients from its outer husk than either standard white or brown varieties, parboiling allows it to maintain more health benefits than its counterparts.

Cooking time

When it comes to cooking rice, there are a variety of choices. Different lengths and varieties offer distinct textures and flavors, with parboiled being one of the most popular types as it helps preserve natural vitamins and nutrients while delivering soft fluffy grains.

To prepare parboiled rice, start by thoroughly rinsing it before adding it to boiling water and bringing it up to boil. Then reduce heat, cover your saucepan, and let simmer for around 15 minutes or until all water has been absorbed by the grains. Finally, once finished drain and allow cool for at least 10 minutes before draining and serving!

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Rinsing rice thoroughly prior to cooking is key in order to remove excess starch, as this will soften and fluffy results without becoming sticky or crunchy. A colander or strainer works best, and make sure to swish gently with your fingers so as to distribute enough water throughout your grains. For best results use a measuring cup designed specifically for using with your particular cooker but a regular measuring cup will do just fine too.


Parboiled rice undergoes numerous processes before reaching shelves, beginning as raw unhusked paddy and moving through stages of soaking, steaming and drying before becoming available at retailers such as conventional grocery stores and warehouse chains. It has an increased resistance to stickiness while maintaining essential vitamins and nutrients within each grain - as well as boasting richer texture than its conventional white counterpart.

Before cooking parboiled rice, it is necessary to rinse it in cold water to remove any impurities and then combine with the necessary amount of water in a saucepan - usually 1.5 cups per cup of rice, although you can adjust this ratio as per your preferences.

Parboiled rice cooks more quickly and is easier to reheat, while it can even be stored up to 30 years if stored correctly.

To prepare rice, start by heating water in a medium-sized saucepan until it comes to a rolling boil, while occasionally stirring to break up any clumps. Once at this point, reduce heat to simmer and cover your pan - cooking should take about 20 minutes, or until all grains have become tender and have absorbed their respective volumes of liquid. Drain before serving! For added flavorful enhancement add chicken or beef stock or caramelized onions for extra savory touches to your dish!


Numerous stores sell parboiled rice, including large warehouse retailers like Costco and Sam's Club as well as online sellers. Proper storage conditions for this essential grain include an airtight container in a cool, dark location; cooked parboiled rice can last in your refrigerator up to three or four days but should be eaten immediately as left exposed will dry out quickly and become susceptible to harmful bacteria growth.

When cooking parboiled rice, always follow the directions on its packaging. In general, use a 2:1 water-to-rice ratio; however, different varieties require different ratios. You can use any method - be it a rice cooker, Instant Pot or microwave - to complete this simple yet versatile food item.

Parboiled rice is easy to prepare and serves many different meals. From adding it to soups and stews for a hearty lunch or side, to stirring it into vegetable or meat dishes - using it for salads or wraps/casseroles; parboiled is an ideal alternative to white which may become bland and dry over time. For added flavor add a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon!


Parboiled rice has an extended shelf life than white or brown varieties, but to maintain its quality and texture. Refrigeration should take place as soon as possible after cooking to help avoid hard and sticky grains forming on top.

When it comes to storing rice, it's essential that it's kept in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid in order to protect its aromas and prevent early spoilage. For long-term storage purposes, a vacuum sealer may also help extract all air from its bag before sealing.

To prepare parboiled rice, you will require both a pot and pan for boiling it in. A high-sided pan works best as its sides may prevent overflow. Furthermore, an appropriate lid must feature an adjustable steam vent.

Rice cookers are essential tools for creating parboiled rice dishes. These devices will automatically detect when your grains have finished cooking and turn themselves off automatically. A stove-top pressure cooker may take slightly longer, while you will require either a bowl or plate to transport and store your finished product.


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