Crab Nutrition Facts

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Crab Nutrition Facts

Crab is an extremely nutritious food, offering low levels of fat while being rich in both proteins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Furthermore, crab provides essential B12, folate and selenium vitamins to provide essential nutritional benefits for health.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in this food provide benefits that include enhanced cognitive and cognitive functioning, increased immunity, heart health benefits, and strengthening bones.


Crab meat is an excellent source of protein that helps build muscles and keep your body functioning smoothly. Crab meat also provides significant amounts of zinc and vitamin B12; crab has even more B12 than fish! Furthermore, selenium found in crab can protect cells and tissues against free radical damage caused by free radicals.

Calcium is another vital nutrient found in crab meat. This mineral plays an essential role in maintaining bone and teeth health as well as cell division and energy conversion processes, as well as being essential for heart and nervous system functions. Crab meat boasts 62% of its daily value per serving of calcium!

ReadCarbs in Lime - Low in Calories and High in Nutrients.

Crab is packed full of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A, two nutrients which can reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol levels and inflammation, protecting eyes from damage, and encouraging healthy skin.

Crab is a wonderful source of iron, helping to boost energy levels while simultaneously supporting blood circulation and producing hemoglobin. Each 100g crab meat provides approximately 43 milligrams of iron - far surpassing adults' minimum daily requirements!


Crab is an irresistibly delicious seafood delicacy in many parts of the world and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Crab meat offers protein, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, zinc as well as being low in fat and calories compared to its fish counterpart. While its calcium intake may not compare as heavily with that found elsewhere in your diet.

Crab is an excellent source of phosphorus, an essential mineral for bone and teeth health. A 3 oz portion of cooked crab provides nearly as much protein as other meats with significantly less saturated fat content that increases risk for heart disease - plus, it offers low sodium options.

Riboflavin (B2) can be found in crab meat. Riboflavin is an essential water-soluble vitamin essential for red blood cell production, nervous system health and energy production in the body, while serving as an antioxidant to prevent iron deficiency which is often an issue among athletes and bodybuilders.

Crab meat is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that can aid in cardiovascular health and lower cholesterol levels, while also being an excellent source of zinc and selenium that can prevent infections while supporting immune function. Furthermore, crab meat provides moderate amounts of vitamin B12 which may reduce depression and anxiety risk.


Crab meat is packed with phosphorus, the second-most abundant mineral found in our bodies after calcium. Phosphorus plays a pivotal role in bone health by turning food into energy and supporting kidney functioning and cell development, in controlling blood pressure as well as managing nerve impulses and muscle contractions - one 100 gram serving of crab provides 62% of your daily recommended dosage of phosphorus!

Phosphorus can be found in many food sources such as milk, bread and seafood. Most people meet their daily phosphorus needs through regular consumption - an imitation crab 3-ounce portion provides 85 calories with 1.5g fat and no carbohydrates to provide 17g protein and provides B12 folate phosphorus selenium benefits!

Crab meat contains high levels of protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are known to help lower cholesterol and improve heart health, fighting inflammation and arthritis, strengthening immunity, and encouraging cellular repair. Crab is also lower in mercury compared to other seafood sources - making it an excellent choice for pregnant women, children and those trying to stay away from fish that contain mercury like marlin, swordfish or tuna.


A 3-ounce serving of crab meat provides 17 grams of protein, less than one gram of fat and no carbohydrates. In addition, this delicious food offers calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, iron and copper as well as zinc and selenium - not to mention its omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid).

Crab is one of the few foods to provide significant amounts of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, an important type of polyunsaturated fat shown to benefit heart, brain and immune health.

Selenium, found in crab meat, is an essential mineral antioxidant which protects against chronic diseases while supporting normal thyroid gland functioning and helping maintain an effective immune system and protein production. Each serving of crab meat provides 40mcg of selenium.

Crab meat provides an abundance of essential nutrients such as protein, vitamin B12, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids; in addition it has other vitamins like zinc potassium magnesium phosphorus. But its nutritional profile depends on how it's prepared - for instance steamed or boiled crab may have lower fat content compared with its fried counterpart.


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